Hello, my name is Owen!
I'm a Software Engineer.

About Me

I'm a full-stack software engineer living in the Green Mountains of Vermont. I take a detail oriented, bottom-up approach to building things and solving problems. I have experience in JavaScript, Ruby and Go and I'm comfortable working with cloud technologies, particularly on AWS.

When I'm not at my desk, I enjoy frollicking in the mountains on foot or on skis, baking pizza in a 900 degree wood-fired oven or playing classical chamber music with friends.

Most recently I co-created Jolt, a framework for deploying JAMstack applications with serverless functions. You can read more about it below or watch the presentation I gave with my team detailing how we built it.



Jolt is an open-source framework for developing, deploying and managing JAMstack applications with serverless functions that run on AWS.

I built Jolt with a distributed team of 3 other engineers in 2021. Our aim was to create a tool that made it easy for developers to take advantage of the security, high-scalability and fast response times that the JAMstack model provides while leveraging serverless functions to handle computation that needs to be performed outside of the client.

A presentation I gave with my remote team on how we built Jolt


A full-stack Trello-like SPA for project management. Features drag and drop functionality and more.

Built with: React/Redux, Node.js/Express, MongoDB

A multi-player web app where players take turns writing lines in a limerick before the completed limericks are displayed.

This is a popular game in my family, so I built this at the start of the pandemic so we could all play together remotely.

Built with: Ruby/Sinatra, ERB, jQuery, Heroku

Displays and filters airline routes on a world map and highlights the shortest path between selected airports using Dijkstra's pathfinding algorithm.

Built with: Node.js/Express, PostgreSQL, vanilla JavaScript

I'm looking for opportunities!

Let's talk